Sohrab Goth Cow MAndi 2016 | Afridi Cattle Farm 2016

Sohrab Goth Cow Mandi 2016 | Afridi Cattle Farm 2016

Hello Folks ! Today we give you our review about Afridi Cattle Farm that Located at Sohrab Goth Cow Mandi ,These Bulls and cows are feeded  and cared regularly for Eid -ul- azha ,Also the owners are expected big money for their investment.

Breed :

If  you talk about their breed then most of them are from Punjab Pakistan , Some of Bulls and cows  are from Sahiwal , Punjab , and if you talk about Big Bull then you have to see Bull from Sibbi , Balochistan , all of them are healthy .

Best Among All ?

Personally  i like a Brown Big Bull  Having white Shade on his neck , as you can see in picture .


Well Wait is over .. Enjoy Pictures Folks :)

Picture Courtesy : Sohrab Goth Cow Mandi 

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